De Stunt – Delft

“De Stunt,” a social workplace in Delft, was involved in a project with a circular approach for the extension, in which Octatube Services played a part.

Being part of the design team, the Services team engineered the roof lights and a couple of interior glass walls. The insulated glass units where left-over windows for a cancelled project in Spain. Using integral design, the windows found a new purpose in this social work place. A proud example of circulair design, which is the principal of using waste materials as resources. The big portfolio of Octatube, gives us access to waist streams of metal, steel and glass. We like to offer this kind of solutions to reduce waste streams, and with that reduce energy use in the built environment. Another example of circular project realized by Octatube Services is ‘Glazen Zaal’, located in the LocHal, next to the main station Tilburg city.